haha.. these 2 weeks my life v simple. wake up. go lib. mug. eat lunch. go back to lib. mug. go home. cook. eat. do rubbish. if got stuff to do mug again. sleep. haha. n its quite amazing act.. i think im working harder than b4 os.. haha.. like covered almost all the maths stuff in these 2 weeks. haha.. doin all the undone tutorials=)) haha.. hoopefully i rem everything.. like.. since i started my minds in a mess.. then some times dunno even noe if i rem wad im studying. o wells...
anyway... 2moro going nlb to meet peckyan and lisa then gonna do maths va.. some funny thing abt joining bubbles. haha. haiz... dun wann a do it=/ o.. just found out tt the warranty for my clar is due in aug... heng.. haha.. no timt now to send for rep.. haiz.. the lower bridge keys keep jamming lor.. then the ppl just keep saying tt theres nothing wrong.. like. when the temp is hi then it starts to jam.. mean i cant play it anything out of air con.. which is stupid.. even in the band rm when the air con goes off alrdy got prob.. haha.. stupid...at least esplanade got aircon.. shldnt be a prob.. but then again.. last time i played there was less than 5 min.. haha.. really hope nothing goes wrong... =)
haiz.. cts next week... left summation and diff n partial frac for maths, genetics for bio, chem bonding n maybe energetics for chem, everything for chi n geog. haiz... need to get at least d7 for chi.. dunno how to do tt.. haiz. no time no time.. if not will get pushed down to clb.. sigh.. y is the cl dept like tt?!... sigh.. need to understadn the text.. but how.... sigh...
for bio.. there this huge hole in genetics.. not sure wad goes where.. so much to mug. partly cos 1) for the 1st part of genetics i din get the notes so studying from campbell. big mess there. 2) second part lectured by wong lilan.. haha.. another big mess there. need to go study. haha.. shall study dna rep n metosis meosis from rj notes.. then c how...
chem.. more or less ok i guess.. noe most of it.. but not sure wad i dunno.. which is the irritating part.. haha.. other than tt i guess maybe just no practice. but well.. its chem. shld be able to get thru.. ah... but... shldnt be maybe.. haiz.. ill go mug more... done some of the tutorials.. alot of concepts dun really noe for sure. well..
geog is a totally diff story. dun even noe wad in the world i have to do.. only noe have a whole lot of notes. and dun noe wad in the world supposed to do with them. no time to read. haha.. shall just go in and anyhow ans i guess. haha.. haiz.. hopefully something goood will come out. dun even how to get the things together.
haha.. looks like i have loads more to do then.. haha.. i guess its good i sorted it out=)) got a whole mess of notes aroudn me now (literally) was sorting half way.. shall take n study.. haha.. haiz. i HATE sorting notes... i hate organising stuff.. haha.. n ppl said i was organised. o wells...
o.. got some nice pics since came back from hols. haha. shall post some nice ones up=) haha. got really cute cat=) shall put tt up first=)