heliconia=) they should have this breed in spore.. the purple v nice=)

nice effect by the waves=)

.. byte. ya. long time since ive got to sail one of these.. kinda miss it=/

sea hibiscus. pretty flower. esp the argmt

nice rocks. like the way theyre so separated from each other=)

reflection in my wide angle. nice purple hue

some flower i saw at the tea plantation

o.. this pic is cool.. looks like some star fighter thing. haha. really like the colour combi of the flowers=)

ever seen a glitter sticker from the back?..... with flash?=)

and.. finally.. the super cute pretty cat=) we saw at some coffe shop. haha.. really pretty=) n was quite small to. haha. cats r just so nice to take pics of=)

forest of moss.. haha.. looks huge rite?.. act.. this pic. was like.. <5cm across

o.. think this is some boliao pic?...

think again=) this pics so cool lor! a WHOLE tanker full of hcl! haha. cool=)

talk about having a sharp focus=)

well.. tts those tt ive taken out so far.. haha.. will have more coming after ive sorted the 5gig of photos i have to sort=) haha.. so many... well nitez all=)
~how great is our God. sing with me, how great is our God. and all will see how great.. how great is our God~
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